Hmm, what if we actually gave up all that we wanted, all of our dreams and aspirations for a relationship with the Almighty? Sure, it sounds just awful. But, you ever wait forever for something that you've always wanted only to realize that once you got it, it really wasn't all that great? You ever find yourself just wanting to be in a relationship because you want someone else to be around? Somehow that must be evidence that you're cool, right? I mean, if someone thinks it, it must be true. Maybe you've settled for a job that pays the bills but fear has kept you from pursuing the things you've wanted most. Maybe nothing seems to be working out in your life, no matter how hard you try, because God isn't in it.
My big dreams were of sheer rockstardom. I mean, we're talking sparkly outfits, long perfect hair, that fan that Beyonce always seems to have on when she's onstage that blows back her hair (go ahead and laugh), tons of screaming fans, traveling, and a husband that loved me even when my hair was all over my head and I sang out of key.
But, for some reason, the more I would strive after these things, the further away they got. I didn't have the discipline to practice. I was afraid to really put myself out there (not good for musicians, especially). And if a good man came along, I treated him like crap.
So, now it's time to find out what God created me to do. It's time to not only find out what those things are, but find out who He is. It's time to not only believe Him (faith), but take action on His word as He guides me (works). So, I'm going to chill with the Savior, give it all up to Him and enjoy the outcome. Because if there is anything I know, I know I CANNOT do this on my own. And I know He knows what is best for me.
Don't get me wrong. I still want the sparkly dress and the cool Beyonce fan and the amazing husband. But, if God ain't in it, I don't want it.Maybe it's just time for me to learn what love is, design that sparkly dress, write those amazing songs, practice my guitar, and grow some more hair for that Beyonce fan to blow around....hahaha. Seriously, though, God has bigger plans for us than we could ever imagine. I'M THINKING IT'S TIME TO TAKE THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED.
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