I was jogging past this field the other day and it really just struck me how much it seemed like a total oxymoron. The entire field is brown and littered with trash. And there's a highway running right behind it (if you look closely, you can see some nice, shiny cars speeding past). The field looks totally barren at this point, except for some beautiful patches of green grass just to the right of a wonderful, majestic tree.
Sometimes, I think we're so busy in our day-to-day lives rushing here and there that we don't take the time to really enjoy the things around us. And sometimes, even when things look barren, there is good soil deep down in all of us that can bring forth green grass and beautiful trees. Yep, there may be trash in your field. Someone else might have put it there, or maybe you put it there yourself (ugh). But, even underneath all of that, there's STILL good soil.
So, I'm going to take some time today and focus on the good soil that God has put deep down inside of me. Oh how it would warm His heart to grow something in my field that would glorify Him. And the more stuff we grow in His name, the less room we have for any trash that tries to litter our field.
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