Sometimes it feels like a tug-of-war, to have your heart and your mind able to see where you want to go, but to be overwhelmed by what it will take to get there. Should I stay here, wondering what could have been, wishing I would have at least tried, looking for something to replace that nagging feeling that something is wrong? Or should I start taking steps in the direction my heart wants to go, where God wants me to be, where I may not be accepted of everyone, but favored by Him? Dizzying, isn't it?
So, what's worse, facing the unknown and climbing to the top of that beautiful building OR that horrible sinking feeling down here on the ground that tells me this is not where I'm supposed to be? Maybe I'll ask the other people down here on the sidewalk with me. They'll convince me to take the low road with them. Or, maybe, just maybe, it's time to see what that giant skyscraper has for me.
SCARY. I KNOW! But, no building was built without a way to get to the top. Yes, you may have to take a ton of stairs, but there's a way to get there. Sure, it won't be easy, but won't it be worth it to get there? And, honestly, we only have two options: You either face your fears or you don't.
You are either standing on the sidewalk or walking into the building. You are either pursuing your dreams or you're not. You're either facing your fears or you're not.
Here's what's up. I can't stand to be down here on the sidewalk any more. My curiosity won't let me wonder what could have been for the rest of my life. I refuse to turn my back on God who is calling me from the top floor of Ebony, Inc. I choose to walk by faith and not by sight, 'cause honestly, I've seen all the stuff down here on the sidewalk and I'm kinda bored with it. I'm tired of making excuses. Now I know that fear has gotten in the way. So enough with over-analyzing it. One person called this THE PARALYSIS OF ANALYSIS. I know that it's fear that's the problem. Okay. Cool. Now get on with it. Don't get stuck in analyzing the situation. MOVE ON!
Okay, so I've entered the building. I've found the stairs. And I've ripped off the black and yellow Caution Tape. Lord, I'm going to need your strength here. I know I'll mess up sometimes. I know I might trip and fall. But, I know you made this beautiful building just for me. So, it's time to really take my first STEP OUT ON FAITH.
TV Announcer's voice: "On our next episode of STEP OUT ON FAITH, Ebony begins the climb up the stairs, probably freaks out, but is going to keep going anyway. What surprises will show up around every corner? Stay tuned to find out!"
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