You ever sit and wonder in those quiet moments, "Why am I here?" or "What is this all for?" I know I do. Sometimes in those moments of doubt, because I can't take a peek into my future, I begin to wonder what my life is going to add up to? Who will I affect? Can my dreams really happen?

So, I asked the Lord about creativity and where it all comes from. Of course, nothing exists without Him. But, the Lord is so cool that He gives each of us (including you) certain gifts. He GIVES them to us. He won't take them back. And we have the free will to choose if we use them or not.

Quick background check on me: I'm a former chemist who has recently decided to pursue the gifts that God gave me. I had chosen money over happiness. And that's what I got: money that couldn't buy happiness. And the worst part of it all, were the nagging questions: IS THIS IT? IS THIS ALL THERE IS? IS THIS WHY I WAS PUT ON THIS EARTH? I tried everything to find happiness in the 9 to 5 way of surviving. And that's not to say that some aren't called to work a 9 to 5 job. But, I was just surviving, day in and day out. No real joy. No real peace. Just surviving from day to day. I wasn't being creative. I wasn't using my gifts. I was miserable.

Then there are those of us who know what we've been put on this earth to do, yet we are too scared to do it. Once I started really hanging out with the Lord, He began to reveal to me who He created me to be. And, honestly, it scared me. Who am I to think that I could live out my dreams, that I am so gifted, that I could positively affect others? It's interesting that we want to be all of these things, yet we can't imagine that we ever could be.


He made each of us to be our own unique and amazing self. Yes, there is room for us, all of us to be amazing people. And you, my friend, have amazingness all over you (yes, I made up a word). That voice that you hear telling you that you can do better, that you deserve more, that life has so much more to offer...that's God whispering to you and asking you to run into his outstretched arms. He wants nothing more than to show you your amazingness. He loves us. Your gifts are already inside of you, waiting to come out, waiting to change your life from the mundane to the extraordinary. All you need is the Lord to show you what you're made of.

So, if you're ever wondering what it's all for, why you're here, or if you're too scared to pursue it, you're not alone. Don't seek the advice and opinions of others. Go straight to the source. Ask the Lord to reveal it to you. I promise the answer to those questions is way bigger than you ever imagined. And since all things are possible thru God, you better hold on tight! There is no doubt the Lord is in the restoring business!!!